“… I may have anything or everything the world has to offer, but the thing I need most, and want most, is to be myself.”
The Actor’s Vow
My name is Jared Wayne Gladly. The truth is, I hate writing about myself. The truth is I love to laugh just as much as I love to weep in private. The truth is I would hope that my art speaks for me. But, alas I’ll attempt to sum up some basic facts about myself.
“… the multi-talented Jared, especially is an astounding performer with a terrific voice to rival any Broadway star.”
— SFist (Jay Barnaad)
“Add in the backstories of the aforementioned Temps, plus the literal painful journey of Melvin Franklin (an empathetic and gentle Jared…), and the story of the supergroup is overwhelming.” - Bay Area Plays (David John Chávez)
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